Roll Slitters

PS roll slitters are exclusively designed for use in the coated abrasive industry.
We manufacture roll slitters in various designs according to your needs – Please let us know your problem definition. We would be pleased to quote to you the right solution.
Our product range
We build roll slitters for very narrow cutting width up to roll slitter with knife shaft magazine. Our roll slitter are suitable for cutting all common coated abrasives. We can equip our roll slitter with special coatings or special cutting bushings for a long service life. Simple operation and maintenance are a matter of course.

Roll slitter with single knifes
- working width max. : 1650 mm
- unwinding diameter max. : 1200 mm
- rewinding diameter max. : 600 mm
- working speed max. : 120 m/min
- slitting width min. : 25 mm
- number of knifes max. : 66
- slitting power of each knife : 1,7 kN
- cutting system : crush type slitting/ single knife system
- diameter of anvil roller : 300 mm
- drive system : servo-drives
- with adjustable single knifes on knife bar
- with automatic web tension control
- with automatic pre adjustment of winding length
- with automatic web guiding
- with automatic axial adjustment of anvil roller
- with pneumatic winding shafts
- with safety device
Additional features
- with motorically unwinder brake
- with support of web feed
- with automatic cross cut
- with 90° roller flex
- with 90° knife flex
Roll slitter with knife shaft magazine for 8 knife shafts

- working width max. : 1650 mm
- unwinding diameter max. : 1200 mm
- rewinding diameter max. : 600 mm
- working speed max. : 120 m/min
- slitting width min. : 20 mm
- number of knifes max. : 82
- slitting power of each knife : 2 kN
- slitting power total : 110 kN
- cutting system : crush type slitting/ knife shaft system
- diameter of anvil roller : 300 mm
- drive system : servo-drives
- with knife shaft magazine for 8 knife shafts
- with automatic web tension control
- with automatic pre adjustment of winding length
- with automatic web guiding
- with automatic axial adjustment of anvil roller
- with pneumatic winding shafts
- with safety device
Additional features
- with motorically unwinder brake
- with support of web feed
- with automatic cross cut
- with 90° roller flex
- with 90° knife flex

Roll slitter special design for very heavy abrasives cloth
- working width max. : 850 mm
- unwinding diameter max. : 600 mm
- rewinding diameter max. : 600 mm
- working speed max. : 120 m/min
- slitting width min. : 6 mm
- slitting power of knife shaft : 20 kN
- cutting system : crush type slitting/ knife shaft system
- diameter of anvil roller : 250 mm
- drive system : servo-drives
- with one knife shaft
- with automatic web tension control
- with automatic pre adjustment of winding length
- with automatic web guiding
- with automatic axial adjustment of anvil roller
- with pneumatic winding shafts
- with safety device
Additional features
- with motorically unwinder brake
- with automatic cross cut
- with knife shaft magazine for 8 knife shafts